We are diamondheart.

The name diamondheart has its roots in the paired concepts of wisdom and passion.
Diamond symbolizes wisdom, and the clarity of insight that comes from knowledge and experience. Heart has long been the symbol of both passion and compassion. Passion drives us, and compassion keeps us in right relationship with each other. Insight and passion need each other.
Insight without passion can be too impersonal, concerned only with facts and data.
Passion without insight can be too unfocused and unstructured.
Together, they are powerful!

Who we are.

We’ve been building web sites since 1999.  We know design, and we have over 30 years of sales and marketing experience in a wide variety of settings. We understand the challenges and opportunities of being in business for yourself – and of wanting more from your business than just making a living. At DiamondHeart Digital, our goal is to understand every aspect of your business, from your vision and goals to your marketing strategy, so that we can partner with you to tell your story on the web in a clear and compelling way. We’ll work with you to make all the pieces of your online presence fit and flow together so you can attain the outcomes you desire.

We are here to help you grow the vibrant, thriving internet presence you need to be successful. We love internet marketing because it allows us to bring so many skills to the process – our artistic, creative skills; the logical problem-solving skills, our emotional intelligence;  our years in sales and marketing; our entrepreneurial experience – and we weave them all together to help our clients achieve their business goals.

How we work.

We’ll explore how your business wants to express itself on the web. We’ll ask lots of questions, like: What are your goals for the business – personal goals, financial goals? What motivates you? Who do you serve, or hope to serve? What products or services do/will you offer? How have you been marketing your business? And many more!  What we discover will help us create a detailed picture of where you’ve been, where you are now, and where you want to be – with your business and with your web presence.

In this step, you’ll clarify and refine your vision and we’ll come up with an initial strategy to get you started – knowing that the strategy may evolve as we implement it. What’s your vision for you and your business? They aren’t separate, after all. You and your business are deeply intertwined. What goals will move you toward that vision? What’s the plan for achieving it? How do all the pieces and parts work together – and how do your branding and marketing efforts support that?

Putting the plan into action is next. Sometimes easier said than done, this is where the rubber hits the road. It can involve anything from website creation or redesign, creating and testing content, market testing, ad creation, and much more. Execution involves a lot of patience.

Successful marketing means constant evaluation and course correction. It means paying attention - not just to numbers, but to the bigger field of your customers and the market. Never stop learning, refining, and changing!